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DKI JAKARTA, Indonesia

Selasa, 29 September 2009

it's been a long time yhaa,,saya tidak mengupdates blog saya...pertama alasan saya selaen males,lupa-lupa terus,ive have a good news,,saya magang di salah satu stasiun TV yg khusus news n sport..yaitu TV ONE..alhamdullilah saya keterima utk magang di sana.walaupun saya sempat agak desperado soalnya saya pernah di kecewakann dan waiting a long time..huffff***

memang rezeki tidak kemana,pada suatu sore ketika saya berada di dalam gedung bioskop,saya di tele hp oleh HRD trans tv dan beberapa menit kemudian CDMA saya bergetar ketika saya angkta,orang dari HRD TV ONE jga menelpon,,dua-duanya menerima saya untuk interenship atau magang di saya fikir-fikir ulang..memang saya lebih suka ke dunia jurnalistik or news..walau sebelumnya saya suka sekali dunia entertaiment..dan dua statiun tv td menawarkan tipe yg sgt berbeda..kalau trans lbh condong ke entertaiment,lain hal dengan tv one yang berlandaskan news..dan finally saya memilih tv one..memang beda...

walau baru 5 hari banyak cerita dan pengalaman yg saya dapat kerja di TV apalagi bagian news gathering =)

Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

finished my midterm exam n photosession for 'GO.BLOG' seminar =)


team of HOSPITALITY ( kurang oky,pamela n also aphi)



benar-benar waktuuuuu goes faster,,kamis lalu baru selesa mid,,alhamdullilah dech semoga hasilnya memuaskannn yhaa,,hehehe,,mungkin waktunya bisa agak santai,,tapi yha masih kepikiran banget sama promotion n alsoooo hospitality nih,,semogaa berjalan lamcarrrr tanpa hambatan yang menghadanggg yhaa..amiennn,,,

selasa laluuu jugaa sempat ke kantor ANEKA "bgirl"gt tapi kita ga bisa berkompromise langsung ma yang bersangkutan dikarenakan lagi meetin dadakn,,karena dengar-dengar hari saptu bakal ada grand final model b'girl,,hufff,,alhasil kita meeting sama promotion dari majalah b'girl,,lalu sehabis dari b'girl,,perjalanan pulanggg saya menelfon lagi entah keberapa kali kantor GO GIRL,,tetap susah banget bisa langsung berbicara dengan bagian promotuin dari majalah itu untuk kita mau media patner dengan mereka,,ada-ada ajaaalah,,susah sekali untuk bisa nikin janji ke orang tsb.

lalu on friday morning,,kita (MCX 9 & 10) fto session utk program book di campuss,,seru jugaa,,keliatannya makin akrab satu sama laen semoga event kita will be held on 27 june ga ada hambatan,,amiennnn


Selasa, 28 April 2009

wanna busy day ( 22 april )


not a simply that u imagine before too being an announcer

@ toys cafe

with mas rico ceper

@ mustang, wisma nusantara

Morning I wake up, even if it is still sleepy but I force it. I prepare to go to college first to before to mustang radio station (88.00 fm) for the meeting with mas rico flat as part of the PR mustang and also a quite famous announcer.

I went with beby, the PIC media promotion (bheby) to Wulan's kost (member of the Program), which is used in front of the campus to meet him. Wulan ago finished picking, we go to Ferdi 's who is become a PIC's of program divison , there also exists ninin children as media promotion also. ago a car onto campus LSPR.unitl at our campus to meet with the wind as a member of the media promotion, and as soon as possible to make such a letter for signature by the contract for filled mas rico ago Ferdi also has prepared a proposal for the read by it.
huff, and then after that, two-car convoy to the Mustang in FM wisma archipelago. and finally at mustang, we welcome in by the warm mas rico ago he take us into the meeting room, there we berdiscuss all acquainted with the fun. in fact the person who is not famous forever proud.
because of the postwar beby mustang, my, nightingale ninin and not the lunch hour is shown at 3 pm and we hasten to toys Senopati cafe in the area. Ferdi but the wind and return to campus to meet ryan as the chairman of our seminars. fortunately this is not a class. and at toys cafe, we remove the tired ago since the morning to eat and play. after that we go home today but not until this time.

i return to the situation with the tired enough, I was called my friend in the hours of 7 is ready to ready-MD RADIO STATION (92.3 FM) in Spinning Wheels program that is discussed on otomatif and also the autoclub before I meet my friend prior to the MD radio. MD lagii radio there is not too far from my home in the area of the coffee hut. Oia why the MD mengudang because we GLOSS_SHE ^ ^ AUTOCLUB is a group of women who love automotive and day in order kartini the fall where, consequently showed emancipation of women now =) ...

To the radio at 8 MD little less (because of traffic jams Jakarta) the program starts again moments ago mas ule as the announcer of the program page. take us to a briefing room for the first. and the time of 8:15 minutes menunjukn rushing to our radio studio, I enjoyed myself, melizza and soul. quite enjoyable events we represent GLOSS_SHE ^ ^ proud AUTOCLUB already been invited into the program page. add all your friends and learn about the world of the radio broadcast as what .. major because I relate to things like that. runthrough events until 11 hours. fun not boring, in selingi laughing-laughing, sms reading sessions, playing songs that hits, and we asked around ^ GLOSS_SHE ^ago about automotive. kerasa does not have night time show at 11 pm, the time and my friends to go home. karema me very tired and tomorrow should be a student again as usual. up at home but can not trim rest .. u know why? remind message by ryan because when on air, ryan has called me . hopefully it was commercial break, ryan notify list to make the list-what are you want to borrow from the party kampusss, because I as the hospitality division of PIC huffff want to ... busy day but it was fun ... =)

Senin, 20 April 2009

i am going crazy

hufff,, membuat suatu seminar seperti pada semester ini cukup menyita waktu, pikiran, otak. dari senen minggu lalu ampe jumat datang tiap pagi,,create our powerpoint buat jumat di persentasikan bla bla depan Mr. ravi and also anak-anak (9B and 10b),, senen pagi minguu lau jam setengah 9 meeting, jam setengah 12 meeitng bersama my team of division hospitality trus sore general meetingjam 5 ampe jam 7 kurang lalu dilanjutkan meeting antar PIC!! Oh my god,,dan seterusnya,,tapi mang benar kalau ada usaha pasti ada kala memuju kesusksesan. Buktinya, sepertinya Mr. Ravi menyambut postif proposal yang di ajukan dari kita. dan yg senangya saya dibilang ide-ide masukan gambar ke dalam power point tuh excellent banget,,senang kannn!! tapi yah ada satu kendala pada akhir acara sewaktu pembagian certificate seminar itu, soalna saya adalah PIC dr divisi hospitality dan saya menjabat member dari media n promotion juga lho. ribed yhaa,,hehee

oia hari kamisnya,,saya memcoba audisi search model 2009 di kampus LS di b! yang mengadakan anak marketing,,hehee,,saya memang tak begitu tinggi tapi banyak yang mengsupport saya untuk turut berpatisipasi,,seru juga bener menambah wawasan,,hehehe
pokoknya dari saya kejarlah ilmu setinggi-tingginya dan jangan mudah menyerah walau banyak badai yang menghadang. semoga besok jauuuuhhhhhhhhhh lebih baiik dari hari kemaren. saya juga berharap semua yang saya harapkan bakal sesuai rencana. amien


Sabtu, 11 April 2009


source :

saturday night with my boyfriend and also with my boyfriend sister n her boyfriend (doubledate), we would like to go watching @ cinema. seems true of the people watching a cinema of indonesia level is high enough, evidently I want to watch the film knowing @ PIM in 5 pm but we can not got a ticket, so we got the ticket is 8 pm! because it was full so we move to fx mall in the region senayan and finally @ fx we have got 6:45 pm for the ticket. we are so curious about that movie.

This film shows about unbelievable how the end of the world!! and no one can predict before. there is no one challenging the doom of God's infinite one. nicholas cage were successful hypnotic the audience with his act. after I watch this film, I was afraid the neighborhood and end our day of Resurrection. therefore I warn all the people in the world knows that Islam, Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu and other religions to each other and unite and repent as soon as possible . lets watch that movie in the nearest cinema in ur town

haapy watching everyone ..... and happy long weekend.....*muachhh

Jumat, 10 April 2009


source :

I as a citizen can not be disappointed Indonesia choose to elections where held. why? because my address KTP is cempaka putih, center of Jakarta that used to stay out of my grandparent. so I have to golput!!
the strange is the elections ago and Jakarta governor election, my parent is can also participate to chat election. but why in the election this time my family can not? seem to take my family must move to address the ktp Buaran indah this. I had to excuse Indonesia golput not vote because they are not flat can choose the card and can not be selective! I hope the people of Indonesia
selected representatives into the country a better future! amien,,
we hope so,,

take care everyone

Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

my day =)

ehm,,,my day was great,,subject pertama ga ada,,tapi diganti buat meeting seminar gt,,tp ttp pulang jam setengah 5,,so boringgggggggg,,,,,,,,,!!!!
kykna yha this semester bakal berat dech,,ga ada lg wktu buat maen2,,pa lagi semester 7 udah mau internship alias MAGANG n next semester will going create my own thesis,,haduuu,,
smoga all my goal will be achieve as soon as possible,,actually ud mumet penat bgd ma yg namanya kuliah,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!! mybe klo ud g kulia lg bkl kangen sih,,gilaa so memorable bgd si d masa kuliahan ini semua duka maupun duka ada di dlmnnya,,yah sekalian bljr whats the life actually?

ehm,,gw koq jadi kepikiran jodoh gw siapa??gw bkl nikah ma siapa?? calon mertua gw gmn?? ntr ank gw brb??tinggl dmn??kerja dmn??n many things yg gw pikirinn,,hufff,,gw bnr2 ga mau slh milih cowo lg,,udahh lama ma diaa,,tp pupus lagi,,n it makes me down,,tp finally gw bisa handleee smuanyaa walau btuh proses,,huf,,mau gmn i have to continue my life,,how matter what the reasons,, gw cuma berharap to ALLAH di beri kemudahan di setiap aspek that i step,,urusan kuliah,,kerjaan,,calon pendamping hidup gw n many more,,,,


n gw jga bdoa too all my best pals supaya diberi kemudhn juga,,

lav u guyzzzz

Senin, 23 Maret 2009

welcome to my blog

pertama buat blog ini bener-bener agak pusing dam membingungkan. tapi yah terinspirasi gara-gara mr ravi suruh untuk membuat this blog. SERU juga!! bener kita bisa express my own feeling!

kalau kata MR.ravi,,"what is kapita selekta?" yahhh how to make blog and also seminar blaa,,blaa,,tp btw anyway busway apaa sih tuh blogs? yah itu to share information with people,,yah mcm kayak gw gn,,share my daily day in this personal blog,hehehe,,gaya dech yg jaman dulu gw nulis cuma di diary sekarang jadi secara online gt,,hahhaa,,gaya beth ank jaman sekarang.

mungkin ada baiknya di jaman yg serba HITECH ini,,kita smua khususna anak- anak muda penerus bangsa harus melek sma yang namanya teknologi,,setuju kan?? soalnya bnr klo dengan keberadaannya teknologi membuat hidup lebih mudah juga kan,,

.hev a nice day.